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Wyoming Prospectors Association

P.O. Box 1269

Riverton, Wyoming 82501

Minutes for meeting held on June 8, 2013







President Jim Brines



Treasurer Deb Palmer



V. Pres. Janiece Robinson



Immediate Past Pres.
Curtis Addison



Secretary Joyce Raymond



Meeting called to Order at 9:40 AM

The first order of business was the introduction of members, with 21 present.

The minutes of the May 18th meeting was read. Paula Jones made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Deana Shipper and the motion carried.

The treasures report was read. Paula Jones made a motion to accept the report as read, seconded by Les Armstrong, motion carried.

A discussion on the Annual Outing was held. Everything is coming together and will be ready by June 21st. If there is anyone wishing to help we will need more helpers setting up and tearing down camp including cleaning up trash before and after the outing.

The July 13th Day In The Park was discussed. No one was interested in doing it. Randy Hutchison made a motion to not do the Day In The Park, seconded by Paula Jones and the motion carried.

After a discussion on the Mineral Withdrawal Area instituted by the Government, it was agreed that we need to get more information.

Members! Don’t forget that we are looking for Officers for the next Year. The Elections will be held at the WPA Meeting on Sat. June 22nd following dinner at the Annual Outing. Officers include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.

Les Armstrong won the 50-50
Congratulations to the winners in the raffle after the meeting!

Meeting adjourned at 10:25.

Joyce Raymond Secretary

Attention! Annual Outing:
Fri. June 21st. Setup tents and Cooker, Porta Potties etc.  NO RUNNING OF ORE.
Evening social time with Campfire (weather permitting) and fairytales, fables and other lies!
Sat. June 22nd.  8:00 AM miners meeting       Running of Ore. following miners meeting.
5:00 PM (approx.) Dinner-meat furnished but bring a covered dish.     
6:00 PM WPA Meeting with election of officers for 2013/2014.
Evening “Campfire” again.
Sun. June 23rd Breakfast around 8:00 AM pancakes, bacon, sausage furnished by WPA. Then run any ore left.
Take down tents and clean up any trash laying around including cigarette butts and pop-tops
Complete schedule of events will be posted at the Mess Tent..


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